member spotlight

By Derek Miller


Meet Marie Ames!

Marie is from the rural Olivet area where she grew up on a dairy farm. It was on the dairy farm where Marie learned at a young age to work hard and be on time as neither of those two things were negotiable in her upbringing. Marie attended Olivet High School and then went on to get her degree from Albion College where she studied Economic
Management and Organizational Communication.

Marie, blessed beyond measure has been married to her best
friend, Rich for 25 years in which they share 6 children and 12 grandchildren. Marie, wanting to be a teacher as a kid enjoys staying busy substitute teaching at local elementary schools despite retiring from Albion College after 17 years of employment in which she held numerous positions including Executive Secretary to the Vice President, Director of college events and Senior Director of
development. While exhausting, Marie found great joy and reward traveling across the country fundraising for various college projects. With a big heart, Marie is motivated by her love for helping others in need. “It’s amazing how just the smallest things can mean so much to another person.” Marie wants to be remembered as a person that is giving, dependable and always giving 110% effort. One that puts family first by spending quality time together and making special memories with those closest to her. Marie’s caring heart extends beyond her family and is on display every Tuesday as well, where she coordinates a senior social preparing lunch for 35 – 45 seniors. At these social events you will find guest speakers, music and euchre entrainment. While being a massive amount of work, it brings Marie a tremendous amount of joy to see how much our seniors enjoy the opportunity. Marie enjoys a good prime rib dinner and her favorite movies are “Top Gun Maverick” and “When Harry Met Sally.”

On football Saturdays, Marie roots for both Michigan and Michigan State but leans more to the “Go Green” side of the rivalry. Based on her commitment to volunteering for the senior social and everything she has done to help the club, Marie’s favorite quote is fitting, “Count your blessings, not your troubles.” When asking Marie what life advice she would give a young, 18- year-old person today she responded, “It’s ok to make mistakes, everyone does. Some of life’s best lessons will come from our mistakes. Remember, it’s not how you start the game of life, it’s how you finish.” So true!

Marie’s favorite hobby is of course, PICKLEBALL! Marie has been playing pickleball for 8 years now and sincerely enjoys the fun competitive way to exercise and stay healthy. Marie currently uses a Paddletek Wave Pro paddle in which she has 5 of them, ALL PURPLE, her favorite color. She likes the overall feel of the paddle including the power and
control that this paddle provides.

As a member of the Cereal City Pickleball Club, Marie’s efforts to help out and volunteer at any capacity do not go unnoticed and we are extremely grateful to have her. Her excellent play on the court as a competitor also speaks for itself as she is a tremendous player. The Cereal City Pickleball Club is very thankful and proud to have Marie as part of the club.

Ricky Zanetti!

Meet Ricky Zanetti!

Ricky was born and raised in Battle Creek Michigan where he attended Lakeview High School and Kellogg Community College. Growing up, Ricky had dreams of being a professional soccer or baseball player. Ricky also had aspirations of being a major musician in a “fantastic” group that would perform in front of thousands of people across the world. Since 1990, Ricky and his brother have been self-employed owning several businesses ranging from a party store in the Urbandale area to a gaming amusement business that he still owns and operates to this day. Ricky also spent 13 years working for Kellogg’s before the company downsized and sent him down his entrepreneurial path. Always embracing life with a smile, Ricky loves learning new things and finds motivation in being the best in everything he does. He loves helping other people and just simply “giving” brings him great enjoyment. Ricky also finds great enjoyment traveling for adventure while also finding great food options. The idea alone of sipping a pina colada under a palm tree on a white sandy beach and blue water puts a smile on his face. “But they better have pickleball at the resort.” Without a doubt, Ricky’s favorite hobbies are pickleball and golf with his buddies. These two things are his passion and what he truly loves to do. Ricky also enjoys a good Italian gangster flick with some of his favorites being “The Godfather” parts 1 and 2 and “A Bronx Tale.” As an avid sports fan, Ricky sticks to his roots as a huge fan of the Detroit Tigers and Detroit Lions. Nothing like sitting around on a Sunday afternoon with a plate of Italian or Mexican food, (two of his favorites) watching a Detroit Lions win. Being active is very important for Ricky and his favorite quote stems from that lifestyle “You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.” Ricky began playing pickleball 3 years ago when a friend of his invited him down to give the game a shot. Reluctant to the idea he said “I’m not playing that silly game, that’s for 90-year-old shuffleboard players!” He still showed up to give pickleball a shot that day and it was at that moment he realized, “boy was I wrong.” Ricky was destroyed by his opponents and made a quick decision that day that he could not allow that to ever happen again. The game of pickleball has impacted his life greatly as he now plays about 3 days a week not only for the love of the game but also for the friendships and people that he has grown so close to. “There’s just something so magical about pickleball that you become so addicted to and you’re always striving to become better!” He finds the game and all of the pickleball community to be a true blessing in his life and hopes to continue to play all the way into his 90’s. After playing his first couple years with the fine people in the “Battle Creek Pickleball Club” where he is very honored by their warm welcoming and all that they taught him, Ricky branched off and was a member of the group that started the “Cereal City Pickleball Club.” While there are two clubs in B.C. now, he always enjoys mixing it up and playing with both wonderful groups and hopes that the two clubs always remain on friendship terms. “Friendship first, friendship always.” Ricky currently uses a Paddle Tek Pro Wave paddle in which he really likes but it’s pretty worn out and he is currently in the market for something new but not sure what direction he is going to go. When asking Ricky what advice he would give a young 18-year-old person today he answered “Never give up on your dreams! Work hard! If you do work hard, good luck will come your way! Have God in your life! Help others, be kind, be nice, be considerate, be polite, never be arrogant and always be humble! Treat people the way you want to be treated and always compliment people.” If you know Ricky at all, he lives by all of this, daily. Ricky wants to be remembered as a fun, easy going guy that always tried to live life to the fullest every day. He also wants to be remembered as someone who loved being a kid at heart, and one who enjoyed making win-win wagers during competition with friends while remaining kind and complimentary to their achievements.

As we all know, Ricky is a wonderful person at heart and one of the kindest gentlemen you’ll ever meet. Always polite and kind, he is admired by everyone who is lucky enough to know him. We are very lucky and thrilled to have him as a friend and member of the Cereal City Pickleball Club.


Meet John and Lisa Adamson!

John and Lisa, high school sweethearts were born and raised in Battle Creek, MI. Married for 36 years, John and Lisa attended Springfield High School together before furthering their education at Kellogg Community College (both), Washburn University (John) and Argubright Business College (Lisa).

John and Lisa are proud parents of two sons whom are married and successful both personally and professionally with one son residing in North Dakota and the other in New York.

Both John and Lisa have had long tenured jobs in their respected fields. John has worked at Bronson Battle Creek hospital for 32 years, currently in the cancer center while Lisa has been employed by Barker Manufacturing/Burr Engineering for 38 years and has no plans of retiring any time soon.

John’s motivation stems from simply being the best person he can be for his family and friends. While not perfect, Johns hopes that those closest to him realize that he tries his best to accomplish this. Lisa is motivated through setting goals and working towards them. “There’s
nothing better than the sense of value you get when you accomplish something you have set your mind to.”

Outside of pickleball, John and Lisa have many hobbies that include hunting, fishing (John) and quilting (Lisa). They both share a common interest in all sports with Lisa stating that her favorite teams consist of the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Red Wings and Michigan.

John and Lisa have been playing pickleball for about 4 years now as they found it to be a great way to get exercise while spending time together. They have been a part of the CCPC since the clubs very first days and have met many amazing friends through the club. John is currently playing with a Selkirk Labs 006 paddle because he likes the extra control while maintaining a decent amount of power. Lisa began using a Paddletek paddle once she found out they were manufactured locally because she believes in supporting local businesses. Lisa also loves playing with her Prince paddle because of the touch. Come to find out, Paddletek also manufactures Prince which created a win/win situation for Lisa.

If John could give life advice to a young person today, he would tell them “Make sure you think about your life choices, choose your spouse wisely, enjoy your family and friends and live like tomorrow isn’t a given.” When asking Lisa, the advice she would give a young person today she stated “to never stop exercising, always stay active and find compassion in your heart.” As a young man John wanted to be a Veterinarian. Lisa wanted to be a ballerina, but her mother sent her to piano lessons instead.

Obviously, John and Lisa turned out be highly successful people! We are thrilled to have them as members and friends of the Cereal City Pickleball Club.

Emily Duits Memorial Open

June 30th-31st

Congratulations to some of our CCPC members that played the Annual Emily Duits Memorial Open in Lake Odessa. More and more of our CCPC are entering and placing in area tournaments. Go get it!!

  • Aaron Schmitzer and Matt Newman for winning the Bronze Medal. Mens 3.5 35+ Doubles Level.

  • Heather Sheets and her Mixed Doubles 3.5 Level partner Darrell Vanderstelt for winning the Bronze Medal.

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